In 2011, LinkedIn Ads officially launched.
Advertisers could now target by exact job title, company name or LinkedIn Group.
LinkedIn’s self-service PPC ad offering launched in beta in July 2008 under the name LinkedIn DirectAds. Originally, advertisers could only target by geography, job function, industry, company size, seniority, age and gender.
Although marketers liked LinkedIn Ads’ extensive ad targeting, they were critical of how expensive it was on a per-click basis.
2022: Advertisers had until Feb. 28, 2022, to migrate their code from the previous media-based video ads.
2022: Search marketers applauded Google’s proposed user privacy measures, but also highlighted its shortcomings – particularly the number of topics in the initial design.
2021: Filter Link Extensions gave advertisers more visibility and the opportunity to tell customers more about their business offerings.
2018: Holiday budgets rose across most platforms, plus what retail marketers did differently.
2018: Google described it as a “lightweight app for telling a story by capturing photos, video clips and text right from your phone, published straight to the web.”
2018: Texting was the most common use case for voice. Men used voice search more than women.
2018: Google Home accounted for about 40% of the units sold in the US during the holiday period.
2018: The latest images showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have and more.
2018: Google’s doodle included an illustration of Penfield and highlighted his research on how smells could impact memory-recall.
2017: Mobile CPCs were expected to rise and CTRs to fall as competition and impression volume increased.
2017: You could plan enough time not just for driving to your destination but also the time it would take to park at your destination.
2017: You would get an interactive spinning wheel that let you choose anywhere from two to 20 numbers when you searched Google for [spinner].
2017: The Doodle included an animated image of Bessie, or “Queen Bessie,” as she was known during her exhibition flying career.
2016: The new tool provided keyword, ad copy and budget insights at a city level.
2016: Google created a prominent placement for the candidates’ own messages and content in a horizontal carousel in search results.
2016: The Doodle marked the 90th anniversary of the first demonstration of a television.
2015: A 34 minute video of Cutts giving a talk at UNC Chapel Hill.
2015: With Cortana, Bing was “creating new user paradigms and bringing search into the context of what you’re already doing.”
2012: That time when Google’s supposedly sophisticated Universal Search algorithm picked a cartoon video on YouTube created by a company pitching its SEO software to Rick Santorum.
2012: This was only a data refresh.
2012: Google Webmaster Tools added a feature that allowed you to test your sitemap files prior to submitting them.
2012: The ads argued that Google unfairly promoted its own products, delivered search results that weren’t objective or in the best interests of users and didn’t respect user privacy.
2012: The groups proposed a “Code of Practice” for how search engines could better encourage consumers to locate legal content on the web.
2012: Local businesses that were interested in having interior photos taken could use the Business Photos website to find a “trusted photographer.”
2011: This was the first decline in click fraude reported since Q2 2009.
2011: Few people used it.
2011: Google confirmed that the Google Translate team has been unaware of the issue and said they would resolve it.
2011: That includes searches involving the word “torrent” as well as “BitTorrent.” But Google’s move seemed to catch some unrelated terms in the process.
2011: DuckDuckGo started more aggressively marketing the search engine with a campaign aimed squarely at Google, with the slogan “Google tracks you. We don’t.”
2011: It actually required advertisers or agencies to work with an in-house sales representative. Twitter planned to test a self-serve ad product later that year.
2011: How several search engines fared when asked to answer “Jeopardy” clues.
2011: Google would be opening a new office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2011: They would begin moving into the offices that year.
2010: Google said it was only an issue until a user restarted the browser, and it only affected the open tabs for a small number of users.
2010: Most of that decline came from a 15% drop in search ad revenue from Q4 2008 compared to Q4 2009.
2010: Google CEO Eric Schmidt seemed to “walk back” some of Google’s prior strong statements about leaving China.
2010: The regulatory body sent out requests for information to wireless carriers about the adequacy of their consumer disclosures associated with early termination penalties.
2010: It included several customization options.
2009: In short, it was a 6% gain for Google.
2009: The favicon only appeared when you did a site: command search.
2009: The problems were associated with the migration of so many publishers to the new platform.
2007: Microsoft lowered those expectations from as high as 11 percent to as low as 3 percent growth.
2007: Some of the promotion they were doing was designed to react to consumer demand
2007: Question: “Which brand had the most impact on our lives in 2006?” Answer: Google.
2007: It showed “places mentioned in this book” on the Google Book Search page.
2007: Google had begun purchasing Intel processors for their servers.
2007: Pageflakes was an easy and free way to “build a dynamic personalized home/start page.”
These columns are a snapshot in time and have not been updated since publishing, unless noted. Opinions expressed in these articles are those of the author and not necessarily Search Engine Land.
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