With all the buzz around AI-generated content, Google decided to reiterate and clarify some of its advice around AI-generated content. The short answer is that Google does not care who or what writes your content as long as that content is written to help people and not to manipulate the search results.
Google’s take. Google wrote, “Our focus on the quality of content, rather than how content is produced, is a useful guide that has helped us deliver reliable, high quality results to users for years.” Google went on to explain that you can use AI and automation to create helpful and useful content. “Automation has long been used to generate helpful content, such as sports scores, weather forecasts, and transcripts,” Google added. Google also said you can use AI to help you write better content, “AI has the ability to power new levels of expression and creativity, and to serve as a critical tool to help people create great content for the web,” Google added.
Focus on people-first content. What you should focus on is not how the content is produced but whether the content is created to help people, not search engines. Google goes back to its advice around the helpful content update, “The helpful content system was introduced last year to better ensure those searching get content created primarily for people, rather than for search ranking purposes.”
Google’s advice, “As explained, however content is produced, those seeking success in Google Search should be looking to produce original, high-quality, people-first content demonstrating qualities E-E-A-T.”
“Creators can learn more about the concept of E-E-A-T on our Creating helpful, reliable, people-first content help page,” Google added.
Who, How, and Why. Google added a new section to the people-first help documentation on “evaluating your content in terms of “Who, How, and Why” as a way to stay on course with what our systems seek to reward.” Google then explained what they mean by who, how and why.
Just to be clear, the who, how and why are not a requirement but rather guidance provided by Google, as is E-E-A-T.
Here is how Google put it (quoting the revisions to the page below):
Who (created the content). Something that helps people intuitively understand the E-E-A-T of content is when it’s clear who created it. That’s the “Who” to consider. When creating content, here are some who-related questions to ask yourself:
If you’re clearly indicating who created the content, you’re likely aligned with the concepts of E-E-A-T and on a path to success. We strongly encourage adding accurate authorship information, such as bylines to content where readers might expect it.
How (the content was created). It’s helpful to readers to know how a piece of content was produced: this is the “How“ to consider including in your content.
For example, with product reviews, it can build trust with readers when they understand the number of products that were tested, what the test results were, and how the tests were conducted, all accompanied by evidence of the work involved, such as photographs. It’s advice we share more about in our Write high quality product reviews help page.
Many types of content may have a “How” component to them. That can include automated, AI-generated, and AI-assisted content. Sharing details about the processes involved can help readers and visitors better understand any unique and useful role automation may have served.
If automation is used to substantially generate content, here are some questions to ask yourself:
Overall, AI or automation disclosures are useful for content where someone might think “How was this created?” Consider adding these when it would be reasonably expected. For more, see our blog post and FAQ: Google Search’s guidance about AI-generated content.
Why (was the content created). “Why” is perhaps the most important question to answer about your content. Why is it being created in the first place?
The “why” should be that you’re creating content primarily to help people, content that is useful to visitors if they come to your site directly. If you’re doing this, you’re aligning with E-E-A-T generally and what our core ranking systems seek to reward.
If the “why” is that you’re primarily making content to attract search engine visits, that’s not aligned with what our systems seek to reward. If you use automation, including AI-generation, to produce content for the primary purpose of manipulating search rankings, that’s a violation of our spam policies.
FAQs. Google also published this new list of FAQs on the topic of AI-generated content and search:
Can AI write content that has experience? I asked Google this and Danny Sullivan said not all pieces of content need to showcase experience, expertise, authority and trust. In fact, it is not always possible for every piece of content to hit all marks.
Google reiterated and clarified that trust is the most important part of E-E-A-T, as highlighted in our coverage of the new quality raters guidelines. Google updated this part of this page to add this section, in case you missed it in the revised PDF document.
Google added, “Of these aspects, trust is most important. The others contribute to trust, but content doesn’t necessarily have to demonstrate all of them. For example, some content might be helpful based on the experience it demonstrates, while other content might be helpful because of the expertise it shares.”
Why we care. If your goal when using AI is to find creative ways to add further context and information to help your readers, that is great. If you are using AI to find ways to get more content indexed by Google, then that is not great.
How will Google know the difference? Well, they figured it out with content farms, as I described here.
As Google has been saying for longer than most SEOs have been calling themselves an SEO, write content for the people and you will be rewarded. Now, how that content is written does not really matter.
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